The Peppermint Jumpsuit by In the Folds is a free pattern download but don’t be mistaken, it’s really well designed and worth the effort! I made one in black rayon-linen and can’t wait for making a second one, probably in dark red or purple (or both). | Den Peppermint Jumpsuit von In the Folds gibt es als freien Download, doch er ist alles andere als ein „Rausverkauf“. Das Muster ist wirklich gut gemacht mit einer sehr guten Anleitung. Ich habe einen aus schwarzem Viskoseleinen genäht und überlege noch einen in weinrot oder dunkellila zu machen. Vielleicht mache ich auch einfach beide ;D Read More
Category: Jumpsuit
Sallie Jumpsuit Closet Case Files
I was on vacation in Napüles and I enjoyed it immensely. I didn’t do anything for 8 days, enjoying the sun, drinking wine and eating pizza (Vitto Pitagorico tastes especially good). YUMMY! I mainly wore my Sallie Jumpsuits from Closet Case Files because they’re both comfortable and fashionable. The Sallie Jumpsuit by Closet Case Files is sewn from jersey and held in place by a simple elastic band. In the description it says ”hidden pyjamas“. I could not agree more. Plus it’s such a quick make! The Sallie Jumpsuit can be worn both casually and elegantly. It’s all a question of fabric choice! Have a look.